

日本農村医学会理事長 藤原秀臣

日本農村医学会理事・IARM事務総長 新谷周三 


 18回国際地域医療保健学会学術総会が、20121210日〜12日、インド・ゴア市の「Kala Academy」において開催され、参加者は25ヶ国から約400名、日本からは24名が参加し、13演題を発表しました。開会式では、インドの前大統領のDr. APJ Abdul Kalam氏も講演され、現地の新聞にも報道されました。

 開会式では、Dr. ShintaniJARM国際交流委員長)が日本を代表してスピーチを行い、また学会2日目には「東日本大震災」のビデオを上映し、大きな反響がありました。IARM理事会は1210日、IARM総会は1211日に開かれ、(1次期会長について、(2)次期開催地について、(3)会費支払い方法の承認、(4)定款の改定などのためのワーキンググループの設置が決まりました(詳細は添付)。なお詳細は、IARMのホームページhttp://www.iaamrh.org/の中のhttp://ruralhealthgoa2012.org/をご覧ください。


1.期   日: 2012年12月10日〜12日


2.場   所: Kala Academy, Goa, India


3.学 会 長: Dr. Ashok Patil (国際地域医療保健学会 会長)


4.テ ー マ: Challenges for Rural Medicine in the Global Village



1. Hiroyuki Ishige. Present status of cases with breast cancer at Saku Central Hospital and assessment of treatment quality.


2. Jyunichi Tazawa. Collaboration between hepatologists and primary care physicians in treating patients with chronic hepatitis C in Japan.


3. Shunji Okae. The role of the CT abdomen in enabling junior residents to accurately diagnose patients with an acute abdomen.


4. Motohiro Shimizu. Analysis of patient background, treatment, and prognosis in women with ovarian cancer.



5. Hitoshi Watanabe. Clinical study of cerebrovascular arterial dissection in Saku Central Hospital.


6. Koji Suzuki. Diagnosis of occult fractures of the ischiopubic rami.


7. Kiyoshi Ohara. Japanese reaction to radioactive pollution occurred by the nuclear power plant accident associated with the Japan huge earthquake.


8. Shin Tsuruoka. Response and agenda of our hospital to great east Japan earthquake.


9. Jung-Nim Kim. The effect of physical and cognitive functions on mortality risk by frail persons in Japan. Results of a four-year cohort study.


10. Kanae Hamano. Related factors concerns the quality of life of the elderly population on a remote island.


11. Yoshiaki Somekawa. Risk factor associated with lumber and femoral bone mineral densities in post-menopausal Japanese woman.


12. Takehiko Okamura. Investigation of age related differences in prophylactic effects of BCG intravesical instillation therapy against non muscle invasive bladder cancer in Japanese rural area.


13. Shuzo Shintani. Efficacy and ethics of artificial nutrition supply in patients with neurologic impairments in home care at the rural setting in Japan.



2.Dr. ShintaniJARM国際交流委員長)の開会式での挨拶

I am Shuzo Shintani from Japan. I am a Board Member of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine (JARM). First of all, on behalf of the Association of my country, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations for holding the 18th Congress of IARM in Goa.


We have now 24 delegates from Japan in this Congress. Japanese association of Rural Medicine (JARM) was established 60 years ago by Dr. Wakatsuki and his colleagues, and now our association consists of 4,510 physicians and researchers involved in rural health and medicine.


I am afraid that recently the substantial works for the field of rural health and medicine seems to be carried out in a few countries. I hope that IARM will encourage and support such works in each country, and build a worldwide network for colleagues involved in works of rural health and medicine.


Now, on behalf of the Japanese People, I thank you deeply for your warm thoughts and expressions of sympathy for our tragedy. As you know, we have experienced tremendous earthquake followed by enormous tsunamis on March 11, last year. The number of casualties by now is 15,870, and 2,814 people are still missing.


Furthermore, we have been experiencing another disaster caused by the earthquake and tsunamis, which is not visible but more terrible. The radiation being released from the affected nuclear power plants located in Fukushima Prefecture has now been the center of attention in Japan. Our Japanese delegates will present these matters at this Congress.


IARM is an independent association for agricultural and rural health professionals. I am now a Secretary General of IARM. I would like to do my best in contributing to the development of rural medicine and this association.


Thank you so much for your attention.



3.第18回国際地域医療保健学会 理事会/総会

日時:2012年12月10日(理事会)、11日(総会) 18:00〜

場所:Kala Academy ゴア、インド


出席者:Dr. Ashok Patil (The President), Dr. Hideomi Fujiwara (Treasurer), Dr. Shuzo Shintani (Secretary General), Dr. Hans-Joachim Hannich (Vice President), Dr. Shusuke Natsukawa (Japan), Prof. Kanae Hamano (Japan), Dr. Peter lundquist (Sweden), Prof. Istvan Szilard (Hungary), Dr. Shenli Niu (ILO), Dr. Myun Ho Kim (Korea), Mr. Kazumi Ichikawa(Japan)


議長 Dr. Ashok Patil, IARM会長


1. 次期会長について

Dr. Shintani (Secretary General) Dr. Ashok Patilを次期会長として推薦し、全員一致で承認された。


2. 第19回 (次期) 学術総会開催地について

1候補 イタリア ミラノ:第17回学術総会(2009年カルタヘナ、コロンビア)の理事会にてコロッシオ教授(イタリア)から申し出があった。


2候補 ドイツ:ハニッヒ教授がドイツでの開催を検討することとなった。ドイツでの開催については他学会との共同開催となり、スポンサーであるKrupp Foundationへの了解をとることが必要となる。


3. 会費支払い

Dr. Shintani (Secretary General) 事務局から提示された下記支払い方法が、出席者全員により承認された。

1.     クレジットカード支払い(毎年引き落とし)

2.     銀行送金(会費3年分一括支払い)

3.     学術総会での現金支払い


4. 定款について



5. ワーキンググループ



   Dr. Ashok Patil, President, (India)

Dr. Shuzo Shintani, Secretary General, (Japan)

   Prof. Hans Joachim Hannich, Vice President, (Germany)

   Prof. Peter Lundquist, (Sweden)

   Prof. Prof. Istvan Szilard, (Hungary)




The participants of the 18th International Conference of Rural Health & Medicine held at Panaji, Goa, India from 10th to 12th Dec. 2012, collectively affirm & adopt the following declaration:




1. The Challenges for Health have crossed man made geographical boundaries and ‘Your health, My health, Our health’ has become a reality.

 健康への挑戦は人為的な地理上の境界を越え、’Your health, My health, Our health’



2. That we are all governed by the same principles of economics and thus there is a dire need to reaffirm our faith in Human Rights and Health for sustainable Development.




3. That Sustainable Development refers to human development in which resources used meet human needs while preserving the environment so that needs can be met not only of the present generation, but also for the generations to come1 .







4. We reaffirm the relation between health, human rights, and economic growth. Healthy workers are, for example, good for both governments and business. Our commitment to sustainable development needs to ensure that we are creating more healthy societies and improving the living conditions for people.





5. Health is more than a medical issue and there is a need for a new global vision for health that will build on the MDGs and connect to future development goals. Health would entail a ‘continuum of care’ across sectors, hence global & national health policies should encourage multi-sectoral approach. The vision, based on countries’ needs, should be translated into clear goals, expected results, and guiding principles for its implementation.



6. We commit towards evolving Universal Access to Essential Health Care & Medicines, so that the disparities in access to health care and its affordability, particularly those faced by disadvantaged and underserved segments of population, are corrected





7. Women’s and children’s health is a human rights issue and closely interlinked with the empowerment of women and girls resulting in gender equality.



8. Health must be brought out of isolation. The impact of issues such as climate change and the direct effects it has on people’s health NEEDS discussion. Health is an important indicator for how well we are managing the climate, water resources, food and energy production. Global warming is one of the most serious risks for future generations in the world. We must continue to assess the health risks of global warming.



9. Health education must be introduced at the primary school level to raise awareness and knowledge about health issues.



The latest DALYs (Disability Adjusted Life Years) reports have confirmed that the overall patterns and trends in disease burden of the Developed and Developing economies are beginning to converge with.





10. A Growing Geriatric population leading to increase in Dementia and Alzheimer’s and subsequent funding required from governments to increase social security, aged pensions and healthcare for the aged. An increase Trauma and Accidents causing a huge burden in terms of disability and morbidity.



11. An increase in the global burden of cancer, psychiatric problems, depression and cardio-vascular diseases and metabolic syndrome risk factors.



12. Evidence of occupational hazards through chemicals and machinery used in unorganized sector particularly in agriculture, fishery, horticulture etc. is on rise.



13. Infant Mortality Rate & Maternal Mortality Rates that need to be reviewed in most developing countries – India alone accounts for 19% of world’s total maternal deaths and is not on target to address the MDGs 4 and 54 . EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN IS THUS CRITICAL THROUGH INVOLVEMENT OF MEN - sensitising men, addressing patriarchal barriers, and issues of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), STIs & HIV.

調査を必要としている途上国の妊産婦と新生児死亡率‐インドだけで世界の妊産婦死亡率の19%を占め、ミレニアム開発目標4と5(4)達成目標に近づいていない。女性の地位向上は‐男性に気づかせること、家父長制の障壁、身近なパートナーからの暴力、性感染症 HIVの問題への取り組み、といったように男性が関わっているため極めて不安定で重大である


14. Rapid urbanisation has led to fringe dwellings and subsequent increase in poor health indicators by migrant and transient populations – the needs of urban dwellers living in shanty towns needs to be addressed by urban planners.



15. A pressing need to empower and engage communities so that community needs can be addressed and to bring people back at the centre of the debate. Policies need to be PEOPLE CENTRED and not issue centred. The issue of needs to be addressed: including tribal health and international indigenous health.



16. Governments allocating and providing funding for physiotherapy and dental services.



17. Medical & Health Research that needs to be supported so that the current situation of 90% of total funds being spent on 10% of diseases is reversed.



18. Manpower, skill development and capacity building at all levels of medical and allied health professions is becoming increasingly critical and needs to be addressed. The context of allied health education is important and needs to focus on patient centred care. Allied health professionals need meaningful roles in practice.



19. Investing in people’s health in general and financing health care programs in particular, especially to rural, urban poor, migrants and other disadvantaged & underserved segments of the society should be the highest priority of the governments. Financing of Health care especially rural health care needs to be prioritized by the government.



20. Creating quality and sustainability of health systems through establishing reforms in medical education by providing a rural focus and community orientation.



21. The Medical Education Curriculum needs to be integrated and focus on Inter-professional education and with an emphasis on health equity, community and preventative health.



22. The aim of Medical Education should be to facilitate application of Medical Technology for providing best care to the poor at the most affordable cost.



23. Public-private partnerships need to be explored and encouraged especially in health education and delivery. State resources and public money expenditure needs to be monitored and audited. Strong regulations need to be put in place for the accountability and evaluation of Health systems. Community based monitoring is a critical means of demanding accountability and strengthening public health systems.



24. There needs to be regulation of the growing use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and increasing recognition of the growing global acceptance of CAM.



The Conference Declaration resolves to undertake the following actions: ゴア宣言により以下の活動遂行が決議された。


1. Increase social accountability of all organizations (public, private and not for profit) involved in health care to place social justice and health equity at the core of change efforts;



2. Involve and Empower Communities to participate in improving their own health;



3. Focus on the social determinants of health and the life cycle approach to improving health and reducing health inequities;



4. Introduce Health Education Curriculum at the primary school level and adopt the Health Promoting Schools approach.



5. Advocate for political commitment and prioritise rural health in the political agenda of governments through incorporating and prioritising rural health in the community development plans;



6. Improve resource allocation and expansion of the health care system to cover rural populations through an enhanced and integrated primary health care approach based on cultural safety;



7. Support training and education of rural health professionals to meet the need of rural people in particular women, children, the aged and migrant agricultural workers.



8. Invest in health research that focuses on rural and community health that involves communities, is participatory and has a translational impact.














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